• Natural Gas News

    Daily Record: Survey - North Sea sector planning for growth



After facing a tough 2014 amid falling oil prices, 9 out of 10 of the North Sea's oil and gas firms are planning to expand and invest, a survey has shown

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Daily Record: Survey - North Sea sector planning for growth

Oil firms operating in the UK North Sea are planning for growth this year, according to a report from Bank of Scotland.

Its survey of 101 firms found 92 are planning for growth this year while two-thirds expect to add staff over the next two years.

Bank of Scotland's latest oil and gas report also shows 39 per cent of respondents had stated the fall in oil price had affected investment.

However, only nine of the firms surveyed for this year's report said they were planning to cut jobs, which Bank of Scotland suggests shows the industry on the whole is planning on retaining skilled workers.

Read the full article HERE.