• Natural Gas News

    Swinoujscie LNG Gets Permit for Third Storage Tank


Adding the third tank will bring overall storage capacity to 500,000 m3 by the end of 2023.

by: Joe Murphy

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Complimentary, NGW News Alert, Natural Gas & LNG News, Europe, Corporate, Contracts and tenders, Infrastructure, Storage, News By Country, Poland

Swinoujscie LNG Gets Permit for Third Storage Tank

Poland's Gaz-System can now start building a third LNG storage tank at the Swinoujscie LNG terminal immediately, the transmission system operator said on February 11, after receiving a permit from authorities in the West Pomeranian province.

The Swinousjcie LNG facility is undergoing an expansion to raise its regasification capacity from the current 5bn m3/year to 8.3bn m3/yr. Under the first phase, two extra regasification units and cryogenic pumps will be added by December 2021. Under the second, the 180,000-m3 third storage tank will be built by December 2023, bringing overall storage capacity to 500,000 m3. A second berth for ships will also be created.


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Gaz-System awarded contracts in June last year worth zlotys 1.9bn ($480mn) for expanding the terminal to Austria's Porr and China's TGE Gas Engineering. The expanded capacity has been booked up by Poland's gas import monopoly PGNiG.

Poland also wants to erect a second 4.5bn m3/year LNG terminal in Gdansk. Gaz-System launched market tests for the facility last summer and signed a letter of intent with the Gdank port authority on the project in September.