• Natural Gas News

    UPI: Syria's energy: Mediterranean gas may be the prize



The prize of controlling Syria's natural gas fields under the eastern Mediterranean may spark conflict amongst various rebel groups.


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UPI: Syria's energy: Mediterranean gas may be the prize

Syria's top rebel commander is reportedly seeking Western support for taking over oil fields held by Islamist factions but the real conflict over Syria's energy resources is likely to be vast natural gas fields under the eastern Mediterranean.

Whatever is under the seabed in Syrian waters remains undiscovered but in the wake of major strikes by Israel and Cyprus, and Lebanon supposedly sitting on similar prizes, it's a pretty good bet Syria has significant gas holdings.

There seems little doubt that Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime will eventually be displaced as rebel forces, disunited but backed by most of the Arab powers and, up to a point, the United States and Europe, make steady gains in a war now in its third year.