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    Trend: SOCAR president: TANAP is important contribution to European countries’ energy security



Recent document signing shows progress in the development of energy relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey and a push forward with the Southern Corridor project according to SOCAR


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Press Notes

Trend: SOCAR president: TANAP is important contribution to European countries’ energy security

SOCAR president Rovnag Abdullayev has appreciated signing the documents for the construction of Trans-Anatolian gas transportation system as more progress in the development of energy relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey and as a real contribution to the creation of Southern Gas Corridor project, SOCAR's official website said today.

"Azerbaijan and Turkey implement this project together," Abdullayev said. "The project is of great strategic importance for them and whole Europe. TANAP is a project of paramount importance in purchasing liquefied natural gas for the Turkish domestic market and ensuring the energy security of the fraternal country."

Moreover, this project is an important contribution in terms of energy security of European countries, he said.  MORE