• Natural Gas News

    Trend: No obstacles for TANAP project implementation – Turkish minister



There are no obstacles to implement the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline project, which is a good example of high-level relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Trend: No obstacles for TANAP project implementation – Turkish minister

There are no obstacles to implement the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP), which is a good example of the high level of the relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey, Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yildiz was quoted Jan. 8 by Sabah newspaper as saying.

Yildiz also said that some media outlets often write that the Turkish Stream is not TANAP’s competitor.

Turkish Stream and TANAP are different projects and they do not compete," Yildiz said.

During the talks in Turkey on December 1, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin talked about ceasing the South Stream gas pipeline from Russia to Bulgaria. A new project was immediately initiated in the same volume of 63 billion cubic meters, designed for Turkey and consumers of the EU countries capable to take the required volumes from the trading hub on the border between Turkey and the EU (Greece).