• Natural Gas News

    IPP Media: Firms Deliver Gas to New Pipeline at 8.4bn/- Charge - Tanzania



Maurel et Prom and Wentworth Resources say they have received first payment of $3.8 million for gas delivery to the Mtwara-Dar es Salaam pipeline

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes, Africa

IPP Media: Firms Deliver Gas to New Pipeline at 8.4bn/- Charge - Tanzania

The main supplier to the new Mtwara-Dar es Salaam transnational pipeline has received the first payment of US$3.8 million (about 8.4bn/-) for gas delivery, which was used to generate electricity at power plants in the city.

Maurel et Prom and Wentworth Resources, which own and run two producing natural gas fields in the Mnazi Bay area, said the payment was made early this month.
Read the full article HERE.