• Natural Gas News

    Platts: TAP gas link hosts underpin commitment to project at Rome summit



Greece's Energy Ministry annouced that Greece, Italy and Albania have formed a trilateral cooperation committee that will oversee their support of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline gas link.


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Press Notes

Platts: TAP gas link hosts underpin commitment to project at Rome summit

Greece, Italy and Albania have formed a trilateral cooperation committee that will oversee their support of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline gas link, Greece's Energy Ministry said Saturday.

In a meeting in Rome, ministers from the pipeline's three host countries agreed to form the committee in order to create "the necessary framework for their coordinated efforts to ensure [TAP's] selection, on-time delivery and efficient operation," a ministry statement said.

The committee will also facilitate communication between the three governments and their various departments responsible for supporting the project and work towards "ensuring that TAP plays a role in the diversification of gas supply sources in southeastern Europe and the western Balkans.

"The benefits TAP will bring to the wider region on a level of energy security have firmed out political commitment to its creation," Greek Energy Deputy Minister Makis Papayeorgiou, who represented Greece in the meeting, said.  MORE