• Natural Gas News

    Trend: TAP open to new shareholders



Commenting on the possible interest from Iran, Head of Communications Lisa Givert said Trans Adriatic Pipeline is open to addition of new shareholders


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Press Notes

Trend: TAP open to new shareholders

The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) is open to addition of new shareholders, which can add strategic value to the project, TAP Head of Communications Lisa Givert told Trend on April 7.

Givert was commenting on the possible interest from Iran, in acquiring a share in TAP project following the removal of sanctions imposed on the country.

TAP, which is designed to transport Azerbaijani gas to the European market within the Southern Gas Corridor project, can expand its capacity from initial 10 to 20 billion cubic meters per year.

With regard to the perspective to transport Iranian gas, the project’s representative said that TAP is fully committed to transport volumes from the second phase of Azerbaijani Sha Deniz field development through Greece, Albania and into Italy.

Read the full article HERE