• Natural Gas News

    TAPI Countries Sign Operational Accord



Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India on July 8 signed the operational agreement pertaining to the $7.6 billion TAPI gas pipeline project.

by: shardul

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TAPI Countries Sign Operational Accord

TurkmenistanAfghanistanPakistan and India on July 8 signed the operational agreement pertaining to the $7.6 billion TAPI gas pipeline project, says The News, a Pakistani newspaper.

The agreement was inked in Ashgabat after two days of deliberations at technical group and steering committee level of the stakeholder countries, Pakistani minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi told the newspaper.

Asian Development Bank was last year appointed as transaction adviser. The four countries have asked the ADB to find out the lead consortium by November this year so that construction work could be kicked off in the four countries as soon as possible. The TAPI project is scheduled to be completed by end of 2017.

The 1,735-kilometre-long pipeline, starting from the Yolotan-Osman gas field in Turkmenistan,  will supply Pakistan and India with 1.327 billion cubic feet per day (BCFPD) of gas while Afghanistan will get 500 mmcfd.