• Natural Gas News

    More Thoughts on European Shale from EUCERS



The always excellent European Energy Review has an article on the geo-economic blessings of shale gas titled 'An offer Europe can't refuse'.In an...

by: hrgill

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Shale Gas

More Thoughts on European Shale from EUCERS

The always excellent European Energy Review has an article on the geo-economic blessings of shale gas titled 'An offer Europe can't refuse'.

In an interview with EER, Frank Umbach, director at the The European Centre for Energy and Resource Security (EUCERS) and co-author of the recent report ‘Strategic Perspectives of Unconventional Gas’, says that established European energy producers have been skeptical of shale gas, due in part to not wanting to offend Russian gas monopoly Gazprom.

The article point to other reasons (or excuses, depending upon your viewpoint), as to why shale gas development is not being pursued at the pace that Umbach believes it merits.

Read the article from the European Energy Review HERE (registration required)