• Natural Gas News

    The Guardian: Shale gas should be at centre of next government's energy policy – Tim Yeo



Tim Yeo, Chairman of parliament’s energy and climate committee says fracking is safe and will benefit UK’s economy and environment


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Press Notes

The Guardian: Shale gas should be at centre of next government's energy policy – Tim Yeo

Shale gas exploration can be environmentally sound, and should be the centrepiece of the next government’s energy policy, the Conservative’s most senior green-leaning MP has urged.

Tim Yeo, the Tory former minister, and chairman of parliament’s energy and climate committee, said the time had come to make the “green” case in favour of fracking, and that the incoming government after the general election must seize on the technology for the good of the UK’s environment and economy.

“There is an opportunity now, and it might not exist in a few years [when other European countries have developed fracking],” he told the Guardian. “People who think fracking is an environmental problem are mistaken.”

Read the full article HERE