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    Conservative Home: The rightwing consensus on shale gas is about to be torn apart



The rightwing consensus on shale gas is about to be torn apart posing the question - will the centre right side with shale gas or side with the protestors?


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Conservative Home: The rightwing consensus on shale gas is about to be torn apart

The prospect of a British shale gas revolution attracts broad support across the centre-right. As well it might do, because unlocking this potential resource bonanza would have major benefits.

For a start, the economy would benefit – a  home grown shale gas industry would undoubtedly boost growth, certainly help with our balance of payments and quite possibly result in cheaper energy prices. Shale gas, both in Britain and/or on the continent,  would be good for energy security too, reducing European reliance on gas imports from Russia and the Middle East.

Sensible environmentalists also have reason to support shale – not only because it would mean less coal-fired power generation, but because – in the continuing absence of suitable energy storage system – flexible gas-fired generation is the only significant way of managing the variable output from renewables.  MORE