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    International Business Times: Trans-Adriatic Pipeline Deal - Does European Union, Azerbaijan Agreement Undermine Russian Energy Plans?



International Business Times says that the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, agreed between the EU & Azerbaijan, reflects an increasingly unfavourable attitude to Russia

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

International Business Times: Trans-Adriatic Pipeline Deal - Does European Union, Azerbaijan Agreement Undermine Russian Energy Plans?

The European Union and Azerbaijan have agreed on building the long-awaited Trans-Adriatic pipeline that would transport Azeri natural gas from the Caspian Sea to Europe, according to a European Union press release. The pipeline, which would run the length of Greece into neighboring Albania and across the Adriatic Sea to Italy, was almost not agreed on after Greece came close to agreeing, instead, to a similar Russian pipeline in the wake of Athens’ disagreement over a bailout deal with its European creditors.

The pipeline was symbolic of a changing relationship with Russia, the main provider of natural gas to Europe. 

Read the full article HERE.