• Natural Gas News

    Azer News: Trans-Caspian Pipeline:Dream or reality?



EU is encouraging the realization of the Trans-Caspian Pipeline, hoping that it’s realization will further alleviate East European dependency on Russian gas.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Azer News: Trans-Caspian Pipeline:Dream or reality?

European Union is encouraging the realization of the Trans-Caspian Pipeline, hoping that it’s realization will further alleviate Eastern European dependency on Russian gas.

The EU has once again expressed support for the project saying Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan have exclusive right to lay the TCP.

“The EU has repeatedly expressed support to the positions of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan regarding the exclusive right to lay a pipeline in the Caspian Sea between the two littoral countries in line with international agreements and conventions,” the EU Baku Office told Trend on December 16.

Turkmenistan with its enormous natural gas reserves and Azerbaijan with its strong energy projects are the key players of the TCP project envisaging laying of around 300 kilometers long gas pipeline under the Caspian to the shores of Azerbaijan. Further fuel can be transported to Turkey which has common borders with European countries.