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    Trend: US to help move "Southern Corridor" to fruition



Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has said that the US will continue its energy diplomacy to promote competition and prevent monopolies.


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Press Notes

Trend: US to help move "Southern Corridor" to fruition

US continue to promote competition and prevent monopolies of energy markets, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said.

"Another focus of our energy diplomacy is helping to promote competition and prevent monopolies. Consider what's been happening in Europe. For decades, many European nations received much of their natural gas via pipeline from one country: Russia. Few other sources were available. But that has now changed in part because of the increased production here in the United States, there's a lot more natural gas in the global market looking for a home. Plus, there's natural gas in the Caspian and in Central Asia. They'd like to sell it, and Europe would like to buy it ", Clinton said on Thursday in a speech at Georgetown University on U.S. energy security.

By her words, they need to build pipelines.

"The goal of a project called the Southern Corridor, which would stretch across the European continent. The United States has been an active partner to all those participants to help move this project to fruition", Secretary of State highlighted.  MORE