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    Daily Sabah: Trust Turkey on gas, US ambassador tells Greek Cyprus



U.S. Ambassador to Greek Cyprus says that the country should trust Turkey more than they have previously, to complete natural gas projects

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Daily Sabah: Trust Turkey on gas, US ambassador tells Greek Cyprus

The U.S. Ambassador to Greek Cyprus, John Koenig, said yesterday that the country should trust Turkey more than they have previously, in order to help complete natural gas projects. Speaking to the Greek Cypriot press, Koenig highlighted the incidents in Ukraine and the fact that Russia uses the natural gas as a political weapon.

"We firmly believe that the energy sources of Europe should be changed," said the American. "One of the ways to change those sources is the pipeline that will pass through Cyprus and Turkey.

Thus, dependency on Russia in energy sources can be reduced." The ambassador advised the Greek Cypriots to trust Turkey more and stated that the natural gas in the Greek Exclusive Economic Zone can be transferred across Turkey."

This will help you in terms of your geopolitical perspectives and the future stability of the island", said Koenig. The U.S. Ambassador expressed the transfer cannot be made before the resolution of the Cypriot problem. He stressed that now is the time to negotiate with Turkey if such a prospect is intended within the framework of cooperation with Turkey.