• Natural Gas News

    Daily Sabah: Turkey becomes the nexus of the gas trade



With Russia turning to Turkey to sell its natural gas to Europe via the South Stream, the country as become a natural corridor for gas


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Daily Sabah: Turkey becomes the nexus of the gas trade

Turkey will become the conduit of natural gas transfers between producers like Russia, Azerbaijan, Iraq and Turkmenistan to consumers in Europe as a result of several pipelines built or in the process of being constructed.

Russia's decision to ditch the South Stream project that was supposed to deliver gas to Europe via Bulgaria and switch to Turkey is the latest in a series of projects the Turkish government is negotiating or has signed in the recent years to turn Turkey into a regional hub for energy transfers.

Blue Stream is the main pipeline between Turkey and Russia and with the new agreement signed on Monday, Turkey has become even more dependent on Russia, which is delivering around 60 percent of Turkey's natural gas needs.