• Natural Gas News

    Hurriyet: Turkey’s dangerous play with Russia’s Turkish Stream bid



Turkey considers equity partnership in Turkish Stream as Russia’s Gazprom is likely to start construction of the natural gas pipeline by the end of June.


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Press Notes

Hurriyet: Turkey’s dangerous play with Russia’s Turkish Stream bid

With a few days left before he loses his seat as minister and quits active politics, Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yıldız said Turkey is considering becoming an equity partner in the Turkish Stream project, as Russia’s Gazprom is likely to start construction of the natural gas pipeline by the end of June. 

“Once the information regarding the coordinates of the pipeline is received, the permits granted and the talks finalized, construction could begin by the end of the month,” Yıldız told Reuters June 5. 

The Turkish Stream, a pipeline planned to carry 63 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas to Europe via Turkey by 2020 has come to the agenda after Russian President Vladimir Putin cancelled its South Stream pipeline project as a result of a disagreement with the European Commission. 

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