• Natural Gas News

    EU Observer: Opinion - Why Turkey Is Crucial to Solving Europe’s Gas Conundrum



Opinion: If Europe really wants to be energy secure and diverse, it needs to "take a cue from Cold War détente diplomacy" and use Turkey to supplement its needs

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

EU Observer: Opinion - Why Turkey Is Crucial to Solving Europe’s Gas Conundrum

Europeans are said to lack geopolitical nous. They think too narrowly, and are loath to use coercive tools to achieve strategic objectives.

The EU’s recent proposal to create an Energy Union was an opportunity for Europe to prove this sentiment wrong, and show that Brussels has ideas on how to link continental energy policy to geopolitical ends, and come up with a long-term solution to our problems caused by the heavy dependence on Russian gas.

Instead, the proposal was largely an exercise in meekness.

Read the full article HERE.