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    Hürriyet Daily News: Turkey warns Greek Cyprus over hydrocarbon searches



Turkey has expressed its concern over Greek Cyprus’ “one-sided” off-shore hydrocarbon searches

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Hürriyet Daily News: Turkey warns Greek Cyprus over hydrocarbon searches

Turkey has expressed its concern over Greek Cyprus’ “one-sided” off-shore hydrocarbon searches, after the Turkish administration of northern Cyprus announced that a new ship had begun unilateral exploration in its “so-called exclusive economic zone.”

“Turkey follows with concern the Greek Cypriot Administration’s (GCA) continuing unilateral research activities of hydrocarbon resources in its so called Exclusive Economic Zone without taking into account the Turkish Cypriots’ detailed and concrete cooperation proposals for a fair sharing,” the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a written statement released on Oct. 4.

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus had announced on Oct. 3 that a Bahama-registered ship, SAIPEM 10000, began hydrocarbon exploration in Block 9, in an area southeast of the island that Greek Cypriots have declared an exclusive economic zone ex parte or unilaterally.