• Natural Gas News

    World Bulletin: Turkish firms show interest in Cyprus gas



Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Anastasiades said the discovery of natural gas in the Eastern Mediterranean was providing an incentive to solve the Cyprus problem.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

World Bulletin: Turkish firms show interest in Cyprus gas

Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Anastasiades has said that Turkish energy companies have expressed interest in natural gas reserves located in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Speaking to the Greek language daily Alithia, Anastasiades said that natural gas has proved to be the most important incentive to Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots to solve the forty-year Cyprus problem.

He also claimed that Turkey was now more focused on maintaing good relations with the Greek Cypriot administration and Israel as they are the closest source of energy supply to Turkey.

“This means low cost. There is also the issue of the supply pipelines to Turkey. These are the priorities and I have to admit that Turkish companies have sounded us out on this score,” Anastasiades said, adding that he sees no reason why Turkish companies cannot be one of the buyers of energy from Cyprus deposits in the future “if and when Ankara contributes to the solution of the Cyprus problem.”