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    Sputnik: Turkish Stream Will Guarantee Energy Security for Europe - Greek Minister



Greek Energy Minister Panos Skourletis has said that Turkish Stream is of "special importance" for increasing Europe's energy security

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes

Sputnik: Turkish Stream Will Guarantee Energy Security for Europe - Greek Minister

The extension of Russia's Turkish Stream gas pipeline to Greece will ensure energy security for Europe, Greek Energy Minister Panos Skourletis told Sputnik on Thursday.

"This project is of special importance as it is designed to guarantee the energy security of Europe, which needs to be based on diversification of energy supply roads," Skourletis said.  Russia and Greece signed a memorandum on extending the planned Turkish Stream pipeline in June.

"I cannot be precise about the chronology of the project's implementation, as the construction of the pipeline includes not exclusively Russia and Greece, but other countries as well, where the pipeline passes. Relevant discussions should take place there as well. But I would say that we should move towards the quickest possible action," the minister told Sputnik.

Read the full article HERE.