• Natural Gas News

    Trend: “Turkish Stream” Difficulties



Trend discusses the Turkish Stream project and suggests that like South Stream, the project won't get off the ground

by: Erica Mills

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Trend: “Turkish Stream” Difficulties

Seven months have already passed since the birth of the idea of ​​the “Turkish Stream” project.

However, the idea remains only an idea for now, despite the fact that Russia is actively trying to show its feasibility.

The Turkish Stream, as it is known, is the successor to the South Stream, a pipeline bypassing Ukraine, which was supposed to deliver Russian natural gas to Southern Europe. However, faced with the inaction of the European side, Moscow had to shut down such a promising project.

However, the Gazprom (global energy company) couldn’t resist the temptation to put pressure on Europe and decided to act differently. 

Read the full article HERE.