• Natural Gas News

    Daily Sabah: Turkish Stream Turns into a Russian Matryoshka Doll



Though keen to cooperate on the Turkish Stream project with Russia, Greece is vocally maintaining its distance from Turkey when it comes to naming rights

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Daily Sabah: Turkish Stream Turns into a Russian Matryoshka Doll

Greece has critical decisions to make according to Energy and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yıldız. During his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said Greece would gladly build a pipeline to transport natural gas from the Turkish-Greek border. After the cancellation of the South Stream pipeline project in December, which was supposed to carry Russian natural gas to Europe via Bulgaria, the question of how gas would be transported became a Russian puzzle to be solved by the countries that became involved in the project as well as the ones that were excluded. 

The project was created to find alternative ways to cover Europe's natural gas needs by transporting Russian natural gas to Europe through pipelines laid under the Black Sea over Bulgaria to Hungary, Serbia, Austria and Slovenia. The project, which aims to be completed in 2020, is intended to carry about 63 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Eastern and Central Europe. 

Read the full article HERE.