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    Trend: Iran, Turkey agree to transfer Turkmen gas to Europe



Iran and Turkey have agreed to transfer natural gas from Turkmenistan to Europe according to Javad Owji,managing director of the National Iranian Gas Company


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Press Notes

Trend: Iran, Turkey agree to transfer Turkmen gas to Europe

Iran and Turkey have agreed to transfer natural gas from Turkmenistan to Europe, the National Iranian Gas Company's managing director Javad Owji stated.

The Mehr news agency quoted Javad Owji as saying that tantamount to the volume of natural gas which is projected to be exported to Europe via Turkey, Turkmenistan will transit its gas via Iran to Turkey.

On September 4, Iranian Oil Minister Rostam Qasemi held talks with Turkish Development Minister Cevdet Yılmaz in Tehran with the main topic of increasing exports of Iranian gas to its neighboring country.  MORE