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    Trend: Turkmenistan, EU to intensify energy negotiations



Turkmenistan plans to hold several meetings with EU officials interested in organizing Turkmen gas supplies to the European market.


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Trend: Turkmenistan, EU to intensify energy negotiations

Turkmenistan plans to hold several meetings with EU officials, the Turkmen government said on Wednesday.

This issue was discussed at a government meeting in Ashgabat. President Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of optimal implementation of the existing significant potential of the interaction with the EU bilaterally, as well as through the EU key organizations, a government report said.
Turkmen Dovlet Khabarlary state news service stressed that the bilateral cooperation with the EU in such spheres as energy, trade and economy obtained new incentives.

According to a source close to the negotiations, Brussels and Ashgabat are interested in organizing Turkmen gas supplies to the European market. The next stage of the Turkmen government delegation's negotiations will be held at EU headquarters.   MORE