• Natural Gas News

    AzerNews: Turkmenistan's Joining TANAP Becomes Inevitable



According to AzerNews, it is inevitable that Turkmenistan will join the TANAP project to fulfil its aims of entering the European energy market

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

AzerNews: Turkmenistan's Joining TANAP Becomes Inevitable

It has now become inevitable that Turkmenistan will join the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline, amid the energy-rich Central Asian country's plans to enter the European markets.

Turkmenistan, a major energy producer in the Central Asian region and the fourth country in the world after Russia, Iran, and Qatar for natural gas resources, has been eager to sell its gas to Europe. The country has repeatedly expressed readiness to supply up to 40 billion cubic meters of gas to EU per year.

Turkmenistan sells gas to Russia, Iran, and China and is actively seeking to diversify its gas exports, but Turkmen gas will not be able to penetrate European markets without a pipeline through Azerbaijan. While a gas corridor between Turkmenistan and Iran exists, the existing infrastructure cannot accommodate increasing volume.

Read the full article HERE.