• Natural Gas News

    The Guardian: UK energy dependence – five hidden costs expose truth about fracking



The shale boom is a bubble waiting to burst as economics of extraction falter and the trickle of bad environmental news starts to swell.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

The Guardian: UK energy dependence – five hidden costs expose truth about fracking

The shale boom is a bubble waiting to burst as economics of extraction falter and the trickle of bad environmental news starts to swell.

The vision of an energy-independent Britain, free of the clear and growing problems of overseas fuel dependency, is deeply alluring. That is one of the reasons I set up a solar energy company 15 years ago. Today, Putin's Russia, Islamic State's Iraq, and a host of other actual and potential fossil-fuel addiction downsides mean we would be well advised to strive hard for that vision. What is becoming clearer with each passing month, however, is that the route to delivering energy independence is not the fracking of domestic gas and oil from shale. Indeed, it could be a route to derailing the vision.

Five sets of problems are emerging with the shale narrative: economic risk; local environmental cost; global environmental cost; social cost, and opportunity cost.