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    Energy Global: In pursuit of UK energy security



According to the Energy Secretary Edward Davey, the UK enjoys a relatively high level of energy security.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Energy Global: In pursuit of UK energy security

According to the Energy Secretary Edward Davey, the UK enjoys a relatively high level of energy security. This security is built on a framework of regulated, competitive markets that incentivise reliable supply.

This framework is supported by home grown resource, with oil and gas from the North Sea, nuclear power and the new boom in renewable energy. Renewables now provide approximately 15% of UK electricity needs and, alongside a strong drive for energy efficiency, help the country to meet carbon reduction targets.

Rising reliance on imports: However, the Davey insisted that the country must not become complacent. Despite considerable reserves still remaining in the North Sea, the UK is increasingly dependent on imports and therefore more at the mercy of volatile global markets that serve a more competitive, and energy hungry, world. Events in Ukraine have clearly demonstrated how quickly circumstances can change.