• Natural Gas News

    The Guardian: Fracking support falls as Tory government promises to 'deliver shale'



Conservatives pledge to drive through fracking projects, including under national parks – despite public opposition rises from 29% to 43% in the last 18 months


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The Guardian: Fracking support falls as Tory government promises to 'deliver shale'

Public opposition to fracking in the UK has continued to rise, according to polling released as the new Conservative energy secretary said she would “deliver shale” now the impediment of the Liberal Democrats had been removed.

In her first interview since being appointed, Amber Rudd told the Sunday Times the government would push ahead with its promises to expedite the extraction of shale gas and change the law to allow frackers to drill beneath national parks.

But YouGov polling, commissioned by the newspaper, showed support for fracking has dwindled to just 32% in the last 18 months – a fall of 12 percentage points. Meanwhile, opposition rose to 43%, up from 29%.

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