• Natural Gas News

    Huff Post UK: Fracking Isn't a Fairytale, It's a Nightmare



Natalie Bennett, the leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, says that fracking for shale gas isn't a fairytale, but a Nightmare


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Huff Post UK: Fracking Isn't a Fairytale, It's a Nightmare

Belief in "fairydust" - a magical solution to our energy needs - has been far too prevalent among far too many of our political leaders in recent months.

Fracking - an extreme form of gas extraction that literally means breaking up the ground under our feet, our homes, our fields - has been regarded with an almost mystical awe, a fervent belief that this can solve all of our problems, from fuel poverty to manufacturing decline, keeping the lights on to providing jobs.

For some, like the Lib Dem Energy and Climate Secretary Ed Davey, it's personal. He has said he "loves" shale gas. London Mayor Boris Johnson admits he doesn't know if it will work, but he wants to get fracking anyway.