• Natural Gas News

    The Guardian: Fracking office gets £2.5m before single unit of shale gas produced



New UK licensing round for onshore oil and gas opens up around half of the UK to potential fracking, including national parks in "exceptional circumstances."


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The Guardian: Fracking office gets £2.5m before single unit of shale gas produced

The government has committed nearly £2.5m of public money to an office to encourage fracking before a single home has been powered by shale gas.

On Monday, the government began a new round of licensing for onshore oil and gas, which opens up around half of the UK to potential fracking, including national parks in "exceptional circumstances."

David Cameron has said the UK is going "all out for shale", with government offering tax breaks to fracking companies and promising local authorities will be able to keep 100% of the business rates from fracking operations rather than 50% as before.