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    Guardian: How close is the UK to a power blackout?



There is perhaps no greater nightmare for government and industry than the spectre of blackouts

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Guardian: How close is the UK to a power blackout?

There is perhaps no greater nightmare for government and industry than the spectre of blackouts. In the 1970s, rolling power cuts caused by coal strikes led to the three-day working week and the eventual collapse of government. Since then, keeping the lights on has been a priority. But it’s a task that’s getting ever harder, especially amid rising tensions between Europe and Russia, one of the continent’s main oil and gas suppliers.

The task is a daunting one: not only must the UK’s energy suppliers avoid the country ending up as dependent as the European mainland on Russian gas, they must also navigate the challenges of climate change, consumer dissatisfaction at rising bills, and changing government policies on nuclear and other sources.

Last year, just 6% of the UK’s energy generation came from renewable sources, far behind gas, and even coal. The mundane task of making sure homes are light and warm – which requires about 330 terawatts of energy a year – drags in the most complex economic, geopolitical and scientific controversies on the planet.