• Natural Gas News

    Dow Jones: UK Shale Explorer Must Wait Months to Resume Fracking



It will be months before Cuadrilla Resources will be able to resume fracking operations as it will still need approvals from local authorities. U.K. government will "soon" give a final decision on whether to give the green light to hydraulic fracturing.


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Press Notes

Dow Jones: UK Shale Explorer Must Wait Months to Resume Fracking

The U.K. government will "soon" give a final decision on whether to give the green light to hydraulic fracturing, a controversial process of extracting shale gas, as part of the government's broader gas strategy to be announced next week.

But it will be months before privately held Cuadrilla Resources Ltd., the only company using fracking for shale gas onshore in the U.K., will be able to resume fracking operations as it will still need approvals from local authorities.

It's important for Cuadrilla to resume fracking so it can more accurately quantify how much of their estimated gas resource of 200 trillion cubic feet, or 5.6 trillion cubic meters, can be recovered.  MORE