• Natural Gas News

    Lancashire Evening Post: Shale Gas Supply Chain "£1.4bn Tax Boom"



Ahead of the budget, Onshore Energy Services Group in its policy paper says that the government could enable local SMEs to raise £1.4bn in taxes from shale

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Lancashire Evening Post: Shale Gas Supply Chain "£1.4bn Tax Boom"

In its latest policy paper, the Onshore Energy Services Group says that, with the right support, shale gas supply chain SMEs and their employees could one day generate over £1.49bn in taxes for the Government to spend on vital public services.

Released ahead of Wednesday’s Budget, the paper was being presented to the UK Shale Gas and Oil Forum by chief executive Lee Petts.

"But unless the operators and Government do more to create the conditions for SMEs to thrive, there’s a real risk the supply chain will come to be dominated by foreign interests and an imported workforce."

Read the full article HERE.