• Natural Gas News

    Hurriyet Daily News: UK to try ‘shale option’ to escape high renewable energy costs



Experts have said the U.K. may take a step toward hydraulic fracking to extract shale gas, given the high economic cost of subsidizing renewable energy

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Hurriyet Daily News: UK to try ‘shale option’ to escape high renewable energy costs

Experts have said the U.K. may take a step toward hydraulic fracking to extract shale gas, given the high economic cost of subsidizing renewable energy, as the new Cabinet also signals such a tendency.

The U.K.’s new energy and environment ministers have bluntly said they oppose renewable energy and favor hydraulic fracking for extracting shale gas instead.

On July 4, EU Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger called on Germany to lift the ban on fracking, triggering fresh debates on whether the EU will see shale gas as an alternative to Russian gas to curb its dependence.

London-based Global Resources Corporation President Mehmet Öğütçü said it is the high economic cost of renewable energy that distances European countries from the move.