• Natural Gas News

    Derby Telegraph: UK should keep looking for shale gas, says University of Derby expert



Senior academic Dr Dorothy Satterfield at the Univesity of Derby supports the Government's decision to allow for shale gas exploration to resume in the UK.


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Derby Telegraph: UK should keep looking for shale gas, says University of Derby expert

A SENIOR academic at the University of Derby has said that the Government is right to allow fracking for shale gas to resume in the UK.

While acknowledging environmental concerns, Dr Dorothy Satterfield, lecturer in earth and environmental sciences at the university, believes that preliminary investigations into the viability of shale gas should be allowed to proceed.

Moves by gas company Cuadrilla to exploit the gas in Lancashire were put on hold 18 months ago after fracking, which uses high-pressure liquid to split rock and extract gas, caused two small earthquakes.

But this week, Energy Secretary Ed Davey said that fracking could resume in the UK, subject to new controls which aim to reduce the risk of seismic activity.

Dr Satterfield said: "I'm open to the fact that we need to explore the possibility of shale gas. There are environmental concerns but I have confidence that the authorities will do everything necessary to prevent any harm through strong regulation.

"I believe these test wells to extract shale gas in the UK are necessary.  MORE