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    The Parliament: UK Socialist deputy highlights shale gas 'uncertainties



UK Socialist MEP Linda McAvan said told a conference in the UK Parliament that there are still a lot of uncertainties over the environmental and climate impacts of shale gas. "Parliament has been asking for a new regulatory framework on shale gas and today the commission confirmed that they would bring a proposal by the end of the year." MORE She added, "Shale gas has been presented as a 'game changer', 'revolutionary', 'unconventional bonanza' and a 'panacea'. "But the environmental impacts have been controversial and the commission is considering a risk-management framework for unconventional fossil fuels.


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Press Notes

The Parliament: UK Socialist deputy highlights shale gas 'uncertainties

A conference in parliament has been told that the "jury is still out" on the merits of shale gas as an energy provider.

The conference on Tuesday, called "Beyond the hype," was organised to debate the economics of "unconventional" oil and gas on energy security and comes a week after a similar discussion by EU energy ministers.

Speaking at the event, UK Socialist MEP Linda McAvan said, "There are still a lot of uncertainties over the environmental and climate impacts of shale gas.

"Parliament has been asking for a new regulatory framework on shale gas and today the commission confirmed that they would bring a proposal by the end of the year."