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    The Guardian: Ukraine crisis shows Europe must not turn its back on renewable energy



If we needed a reminder of how politics and energy are inextricably linked, the Ukraine crisis has done us all a timely service

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

The Guardian: Ukraine crisis shows Europe must not turn its back on renewable energy

If we needed a reminder of how politics and energy are inextricably linked, the Ukraine crisis has done us all a timely service. The price and supply of gas is rapidly becoming a major Russian weapon against its neighbour, and by extension, its European supporters.

Nearly a third of all Europe’s natural gas comes from Russia, over half of which flows through Ukrainian pipelines. When Gazprom stopped pumping gas to Ukraine during past winter disputes, countries from Greece to Austria and Italy saw their supplies fall. Factories and schools were forced to shut down in those countries hardest hit.

It is clear, as tensions over Ukraine rise, such disruption in Europe may occur again. But what’s different is that president Putin is making little pretence that this time it would again be an accidental and regrettable consequence of a price dispute between Russia and Ukraine. He seems determined to send a message that the effect of sanctions need not all be one way.