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    Reuters: Ukraine may see Europe look West, Russia east for energy



Long-term impact of Ukraine crisis likely to see Europe seek alternatives to Russian natural gas and Russia seeking other markets for mainstay energy exports


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Reuters: Ukraine may see Europe look West, Russia east for energy

There's one for rabid conspiracy theorists: U.S. proponents of liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects joined with coal miners and Chinese gas buyers to pay Vladimir Putin to stir up rebellion in Ukraine.

This is of course a ridiculous notion, but it does underscore that the main beneficiaries of the current crisis are likely to be those that can take advantage of the seismic shift in global energy flows that may be the lasting legacy of the conflict in Ukraine.

While the immediate focus is on efforts to bring peace to Ukraine, the longer-term impact is likely to see Europe seek alternatives to Russian natural gas, and Russia seeking other markets for its mainstay energy exports.