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    Ukraine Tries to Decrease Reliance on Russia Pushing Gas Demand Down



Ukraine is trying to decrease its reliance on Russia betting on gas consumption decrease.

by: Sergio

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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, Ukraine

Ukraine Tries to Decrease Reliance on Russia Pushing Gas Demand Down

Ukraine is trying to decrease its reliance on Russia betting on gas consumption decrease. According to Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers Ostap Semerak, the country is stepping up efforts to trigger alternative energy sources. 

"The Government has allocated UAH 500 million on it from the budget, including UAH 50 million for credit compensation, and thus multiplied additionally up to UAH 200 million funds aimed at replacing gas boilers", Ostap Semerak said as reported by the website of Ukraine’s government. 

The pilot program started in some municipalities, but it has now been extended to the entire country, said Semerak. 

‘Furthermore, the Government proposed an interesting tariff policy for those customers who are ready to switch from gas to electricity or alternative energy sources,’ reads the note.

Earlier this month, Naftogaz said it intends increasing gas prices for Ukrainian consumers to limit consumption.