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    Ukraine Bolsters Ties with Croatia, Hungary



Ukraine is increasingly bolstering ties with European partners. Kiev is working with Croatia and Hungary on the implementation of the Adriatic Gas Corridor.

by: Sergio

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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, Ukraine

Ukraine Bolsters Ties with Croatia, Hungary

Ukraine is increasingly bolstering ties with European partners. According to a note released by Ukrtransgas on Wednesday, Kiev is working with Croatia and Hungary on the implementation of the Adriatic Gas Corridor. 

‘The Gas Corridor pipeline system will allow to connect Croatia, Hungary and Ukraine. It will increase the share of natural gas coming from other sources. Underground gas storage facilities, located near the western borders of Ukraine, will create reserves of natural gas … for participants and for other European countries,’ reads the press release. 

The Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk is not missing any chance to underline how important it is for Kiev to move closer to the European Union.

“The task is highly ambitious but there is no another way for Ukraine, other than that envisaged by the Free trade area agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. It is the true course for Ukrainian economy to become a part of the huge integrated EU space,” Yatsenyuk argued on Wednesday during a session of the Government. 

In the while, gas flow from Ukraine to Slovakia remains in normal mode. 

‘According to the state at 09:00 (CET), 25. June 2014 related to transmission from East to the European Union, Eustream didn´t record pressure reduction or gas volumes decrease at the Compressor Station Veľké Kapušany on the border with Ukraine,’ Eustream wrote on Wednesday.