• Natural Gas News

    ITAR-TASS: Ukraine’s overall debt for Russian gas grows to $3.492 billion



Ukraine’s overall debt for Russian gas grows to $ 3.492 billion, Russia’s natural gas giant Gazprom spokesperson Sergei Kupriyanov said

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

ITAR-TASS: Ukraine’s overall debt for Russian gas grows to $3.492 billion

Ukraine’s overall debt for Russian gas grows to $ 3.492 billion, Russia’s natural gas giant Gazprom spokesperson Sergei Kupriyanov said on Wednesday, April 30.

“Ukraine’s overall debt for Russian gas, according to preliminary estimates, will be $3.492 billion, сonsidering Naftogaz of Ukraine’s request for April 30 and the volumes we have already delivered this month, ” he said.

Naftogaz of Ukraine had imported 2.250 billion cubic metres of gas worth $1.09 billion by April 26. The request for import in the remaining days of April is 110 million cubic meters per day. The overall amount of gas to be imported by Ukraine in April will be 2.7 billion cubic metres. With the price of $ 485.5 per 1,000 cubic metres, Ukraine’s debt will increase by $ 1.3 billion by May 1 to reach $ 3.5 billion.

The European Commission said it was ready to help Ukraine pay the gas debt. However, acting Energy and Coal Industry Minister Yuriy Prodan has so far not stated readiness to pay for the gas supplied by Gazprom.