• Natural Gas News

    Guardian: UK's shale gas revolution falls flat with just 11 new wells planned for 2015



Progress on fracking ‘glacially slow’ despite backing from prime minister and promise of generous tax breaks

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Guardian: UK's shale gas revolution falls flat with just 11 new wells planned for 2015

The UK government’s planned shale gas revolution has barely got out of the starting blocks with just 11 new exploratory wells for shale gas and oil due to be drilled this year even before the impact of plunging oil prices has fully begun to impact on the industry.

David Cameron has said the government is going “all out for shale” but just a handful of new wells are in line to be created in 2015 and just nine wells – eight new and one existing – have been announced as candidates for fracking.

Professor Jim Watson, research director at the UK Energy Research Centre and author of a recent report on the potential for shale gas in the UK, said that statements by politicians on shale gas’s potential had been speculative.