• Natural Gas News

    The Next Energy Boom in Asia: 2nd Unconventional Gas Asia Summit 2011



China, as the world’s biggest energy consumer, has an abundance of unconventional gas, particularly shale gas.  Exploitable reserves equal that of...

by: ash

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The Next Energy Boom in Asia: 2nd Unconventional Gas Asia Summit 2011

China, as the world’s biggest energy consumer, has an abundance of unconventional gas, particularly shale gas.  Exploitable reserves equal that of the United States at approximately 26 trillion cubic meters.

Despite this, these resources need the opportunity to develop such as its government encourages. In 2011, with the 12th Five-Year Plan, China’s government intends to create a political environment such that it will attract more entrants to developing unconventional gas resources.

Unconventional gas resources are expected to dictate the future of the global energy sector, including China. Many international operators are attracted by China’s potential and are ready to explore.

China completed its first horizontal shale gas well, after 11 months of drilling, in an effort to tap its cleaner-burning fuel reserves. “Once we start large-scale production, shale gas won’t be an unconventional fuel for China anymore and it will play an important role to supply China’s energy needs,” Che Changbo, said, deputy director of the Ministry of Land and Resource’s oil and gas strategy center.

In Asia, Indonesia and India are quite experienced in the field of unconventional gas exploration and production with their plentiful reserves of unconventional gas.  In addition, their flexible market access principles have also stimulated their unconventional gas booms.  Sharing the advanced experience and technologies from global players would be a great asset, particularly in China.

The 2nd Unconventional Gas Asia Summit 2011, which will be held on Dec 6th-9th, 2011, Beijing, China, is an international event focusing on the Asian market and will include policy change, technical innovation and project updating.

Hear the latest views and forecasts from key industry speakers from the entire value chain, including:


Conference highlights include:

  • Projects Updating

  • China Policy Updating

  • China Current Projects

  • Qinshui Basin-Main CBM Development in China

  • Ordos Basin-Abundant Reserves for Shale Gas

  • Sichuan Basin-Shale Gas Favorable Region

  • New Shale Gas for Bidding

  • Major Basin Projects Updating

  • Raniganj Block

  • Thrace Basin

  • Technical Innovation & Utilization

The conference provides the opportunity for participants to network amongst senior executives in Asia's emerging unconventional gas industry.

For more information on the 2nd Unconventional Gas Asia Summit 2011 Dec 6th-9th, 2011, Beijing, China, please contact the Organizing Committee:

Tel: +86 21 5830 0710/Fax: +86 21 5831 166

E-mail: info@szwgroup.com

Website: http://www.szwgroup.com/2011/unconventional/