• Natural Gas News

    European Public Affairs: The Dash for Gas – unconventional gas exploration and European exploitation



Since the unconventional gas (otherwise known as shale gas or fracking) boom in the US over the last decade, Europe has been trying to diversify its energy

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

European Public Affairs: The Dash for Gas – unconventional gas exploration and European exploitation

Since the unconventional gas (otherwise known as shale gas or fracking) boom in the US over the last decade, Europe has been trying to diversify its energy and carbon emissions supply chain in order to: 1) meet European binding 2020 energy and emission targets; and 2) combat the rapid importation of cheap coal which is now readily available on the world market from the US.

As discussions for 2030 targets continue and in preparation for COP21 in Paris 2015, unconventional gas has become the new stop-gap to increase domestic and European security, which is weakened over the next decade as old coal-fired plants begin to shut down due to tighter regulations.

Unconventional gas uses a mixture of water, chemicals, and high pressure to crack rock beds deep below the ground in order to release large quantities of natural gas which is then captured and used within the existing energy supply chain. The UK government has been a leading voice for unconventional exploration as a vital component of any energy future, successfully lobbying the Commission and Council for no further restrictions or regulatory loop holes for companies wanting to invest in this technology during the last year.