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    UPI: Turkey: Gas flows from Azerbaijan resume



A technical glitch that all but halted natural gas flows from Azerbaijan and Iran into Turkey this week has been fixed, Turkish Energy...


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UPI: Turkey: Gas flows from Azerbaijan resume

A technical glitch that all but halted natural gas flows from Azerbaijan and Iran into Turkey this week has been fixed, Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz says.

Yildiz said Wednesday that equipment problems that resulted in drastically reduced flows Tuesday have been identified and the supplies would be brought up to normal, the Anatolia News Agency reported. 

Greece has also been affected as Turkey withholds Azerbaijani fuel destined for that country so it can serve its own increased needs -- all of which comes as Turkey and Greece shiver through some of most severe cold weather in decades.

"The flow of Azeri gas to Turkey is to be increased gradually," Yildiz said at the Turkish Parliament in Ankara.  MORE