• Natural Gas News

    Valeura Completes 3rd Tight Gas Test Flow in Turkey


Gas within the zone was richer in condensate than previously tested zones.

by: Joseph Murphy

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Europe, Premium, Corporate, Exploration & Production, News By Country, Turkey

Valeura Completes 3rd Tight Gas Test Flow in Turkey

London-listed Valeura Energy has reported a successful gas flow test from a third stimulated zone at its Inanli-1 appraisal well in Turkey’s onshore Thrace basin, where it aims to develop tight gas.

The company and its Norwegian partner Equinor accessed the zone at two intervals with depths of 3,855-3,876 metres and 3,899-3,925 metres, it said in a statement on September 26. The intervals were stimulated with 80 and 50 metric tons of proppant respectively.

Inanli-1 flowed an average of 442,000 ft3/day during the 10-day test period, stabilising at 247,000 ft3 during the final 24 hours. Valeura noted that gas within the zone was richer in condensate than in deeper zones previously tested.

Valeura and Equinor aim to prove the commerciality of what they estimate to be a 10 trillion ft3 unrisked gas resource.