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    Politics.hu: Visegrad conference marks end of Hungary presidency



Energy security was one of the most important issues for the Hungarian presidency of the Visegrad group over the past year,


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Politics.hu: Visegrad conference marks end of Hungary presidency

Energy security was one of the most important issues for the Hungarian presidency of the Visegrad group over the past year, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Tuesday.

Examples of this are the recent Polish proposal for a European energy union and the natural gas interconnector between Hungary and Slovakia, which allowed gas to be transported to Hungary from a non-Russian source for the first time, Orban told a press conference. The latter is a fantastic achievement with geo-political significance, he said after an event that marked the end of Hungary’s twelve-month presidency of the V4.

Orban said during the Hungarian V4 presidency all agreements aimed at building the north-south transport corridors have been signed.