Viva pens construction deal for Aussie LNG import terminal
Australia’s Viva Energy on July 27 announced that it had signed a pact with GeelongPort for the construction and provision of necessary pier and berthing infrastructure for its proposed LNG import terminal in Victoria.
The terminal will serve as part of the broader Geelong energy hub in Corio, which also comprises an oil refinery operated by Viva. According to Viva, the project will make use of existing port and energy infrastructure, including access to Victoria's gas transmission network, making it significantly more competitive than rival proposals.
The agreement involves the construction of an extension to the existing refinery pier to provide an additional berth for a permanently moored floating storage and regasification unit.
GeelongPort will construct the extension to the existing refinery pier and license the pier to Viva. Viva will construct the related infrastructure including a gas pipeline and treatment facility to enable gas to be supplied into the network.
“This agreement reflects an important step in approval and development of the Viva Energy gas terminal, and provides a clear pathway to the construction and delivery of the necessary infrastructure underpinning the project,” the company said.
The commencement of construction remains subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions, including Viva taking a final investment decision (FID) with respect to the project and environmental clearance. A company spokesperson told NGW last year that the FID on the project is expected in the third quarter of 2022.